
Cyclone ringlock prefabricated fence wire is commonly used in a variety of fencing applications including stock control and boundary fencing.


  1. Ringlock standard galvanised option, is manufactured in 2.50mm wire, and Ringlock Strongline® wire manufactured from 2.50mm wire with 2.80mm wire top and bottom wires.
  2. Cyclone Ringlock features one piece vertical pickets.
  3. Also available in Heavy Galavanised.

Standard Galvanised Available in sizes:

  1. 5/70/30 200m roll
  2. 5/70/90 500m roll
  3. 6/70/30 200m roll
  4. 6/90/30 200m roll
  5. 7/90/30 200m roll
  6. 7/90/60 200m roll
  7. 8/90/15 100m roll
  8. 8/90/30 200m roll

Heavy Galvanised Available in sizes:

  1. 6/70/30 200m roll
  2. 6/90/30 200m roll
  3. 7/90/30 200m roll

The example below applies to all sizes:
8/90/30: 8 horizontal wires graduated spacing, 90cm total fence height, 30cm vertical picket spacings